Welcome to your Driver Scorecard Survey Driver Name: Please select your answer Driver A Driver B Driver C Driver D Driver E Driver F Truck Number: Please select your answer 1 2 3 4 5 6 Route Number: Please select your answer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Do you Feel the Truck was loaded to meet MTO Safety Regulations? Yes No Were the Larger items within your truck properly strapped in place? All Most - 3/4 or more Some - 1/2 - 3/4 few - up to 1/2 None Was any of the Packages/orders within your truck damaged? Yes No Was the Truck loaded based off the delivery route listed? Yes No Rate the organization of your truck from 1-10 Were all packages clearly labeled with Customer and Packing slip #? Yes No Did counts and package type on packing slip match the order? Yes No Any additional Comments you would like to add: Time's up